My baby is almost a year old! Soon, I won't really have the right to call him a baby anymore. He'll be a TODDLER. Such a daunting word. Makes me think of walking, and talking, and the need to babyproof the kitchen cabinets.
Then there will be potty training, and preschool and before you know it, he'll be starting Kindergarten. I shiver at the thought right now.
Instead, I'll just keep pictures like this in my head. ::sigh::
Training update
So yeah. Um. I've been sucking at this. On a definitive note: I officially signed myself up for the Run yesterday. Guess there's no going back now! So, for the most part, I'll be starting from scratch, hoping that I can stick to a plan for the next 8 weeks so that I can run the race without looking like a complete idiot.