Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ah, progress

Ian didn't roll in any way until a day before he turned 7 months. I really was starting to think that his disposition was too laid-back for him to even consider moving anywhere.

Last week, he figured out how to roll to get what he wanted. And hasn't stopped. What's more, he's actually enjoying being on his tummy!

I love progress. And yesterday seemed to be the day for it. Dh told me yesterday that Ian got up onto his knees a little bit. Wahoo!!! And while he and I were playing in his room, he grabbed my fingers and pulled himself up to standing. Yippee!! Then, during dinner, he was able to pick up a puff in his pincer grasp and bring it to his mouth. Woohaa!

Can you tell I'm a proud mama??

It's amazing what an adrenaline rush it is to see your child do something new. Watching his face as it happens is priceless, too.

The one downside to all this progress: he's decided he really doesn't want to nap anymore. We're now lucky if we get 45 minutes in the am and pm. An hour? Better than we could hope for! I hope this is only a very SHORT phase. He's such a grump when he's overtired.

Training update
Thought I'd write about my quest to run a 5k here so that I could make myself accountable and not slack off. Training day #1 was yesterday. I actually went to the gym! I was feeling like crud, battling this cold, exhausted from lack of sleep the night before (dh also has said cold, and was hacking and sniffling all night), but I was a good girl and went anyway. It was actually good. I went 25 minutes of walking and jogging, and although I was sweaty and a little out of breath by the end, I didn't feel like I was going to die! Yay for not dying!!!!

Next training day will probably be tomorrow night after Ian goes to bed. He and I are off to my friend Jill's after I get home from work so that we can meet her new puppy, Sabre. I'm really going to push myself to get to the gym, even though 7pm is usually when I'm ready to cash it in myself. Here goes nothing!

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