Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's a....


I admit, for a while I was kind of hoping for a girl, but for some reason I always had this feeling that we were having a boy.

There was no denying it - although he was playing hide and seek for a while, he finally let it all hang out.

I had fun calling my family and close friends to tell them the news, but wow, was I exhausted when I was done!

Now on to the best part - REGISTERING!!!! Although just like when we registered for our wedding, I'm going to have to break Jay in gently. I have the feeling he'll be tired before I am. Poor boy.

And I have finally caved and had a picture taken of me. It was taken today at 21 weeks, 1 day. Ugh. I am not a pretty pregnant lady. Granted, I didn't exactly primp first, but still, I ain't pretty.

1 comment:

MR915 said...

Your hair is growing like crazy! And don't get so down on yourself...every pregnant woman is beautiful!!!! I can't believe you are more than halfway there already. It seems like just yesterday we were discussing implantation bleeding in my bedroom :)